Tuesday, January 5, 2010

July Juxtaposition

Well. I caught myself peering through my back-up drive, and whether subliminally or not, I got lost in some photos taken this past summer on the July 4th  weekend.

For the most part a normal summer weekend. Crowds, minor waves, and a good bit of fun. But I believe caught my attention throughout the entire weekend was the fireworks. Normal, I know. Everyone loves fireworks. But this year I had court side seats and a voyeurism into what goes on behind the spectacular show that puts crowds across the globe stand in awe. 

On first glimpse, I really wasn't paying attention to the crew poised and circling the ignitions methodically. This is also what caught my eye. As you can see in the daylight picture, they had an array of equipment. Ranging from blast cylinders to large trucks to bring in all the gear. 

Once the initial blast went, the crowd looked upward. These figures did not. I could spot how many there were by a small glow about half way up each figure. Barely seeing their faces, I was still able to see that the bearer of each cinder was peering down, eyes locked onto each ring that emitted an explosion. For obvious reasons I first thought had first thought to myself, they've seen the show before, why would they worry about what was in the sky. 

After a few moments passed I saw the way the group moved. It was almost like viewing a ceremony of sorts. If I had to describe it.. they almost moved like druid priests. Slow, deliberate paces around an alter that was in the middle of the circle created by the group themselves. One couldn't help but ask the question, what all is involved in this show of low-level explosions? Were they following a strict OSHA protocol or is there an old, ancient ritual to celebrate the Black Match? I dunno, I don't ignite the fireworks, I just push the button. Enjoy.

Not each of the photos is directly related to the pyrotechnics, but is definitely a good representation of a solid 3 day weekend spent in Cape Hatteras. Full moons and a dead pelican.

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