Tuesday, April 27, 2010

From the Archives

We all have them. Those photos that just didn't seem right. A touch over exposed, didn't like the set-up, wasn't happy with the lighting.. etc. One thing I've learned though is to always give a photo a second chance. Maybe you didn't like it in the beginning, but keep them in your archives. There may come a day when you get a chance to see that capture on a different light from a different perspective. Here just so happens to a be a few that I've done that very same thing. Mostly from 2009, the majority of these out-takes were taken on a Nikon D40, not sure on all of them. But regardless of camera, style, setting, I was able to go back over a year later and see these images in a completely different way from the first time I viewed. The rundown on these 9 run the gamut from weddings, road-trips, moments from everyday life, and so forth. More of a behind the scenes of the places and events I happen to have the opportunity to be a part of. Have a look:

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Album Review!

This site need not only be for visual delicacies. A CD review every-once in a bit doesn't sound like so much of a bad idea, now then does it? Off we go..

Albums have strange timing. Some show up and you listen to because you feel like you might have to. But sometimes, you can listen to an album many times and still not fully appreciate it, or perhaps it just wasn't the moment for you to discover what that album truly has to offer.

Nowadays, with the advent of online purchasing, pirating, ring-toning it can be down right difficult to find and entire album that is worth listening to. This past week I came across a wonderful offering by the relatively new The xx.

Self-titled, the album begins with an 'Intro' track that really sets the pace for the next 12 songs. A distant guitar sends off a lonely, but warm guitar line. Coupled along with drums that open up a landscape that you're not entirely sure where it will end up, but dammit, you must follow. Pulsing through-out with moans, and ahhs from both Romy Madley Croft (female lead vocal, lead guitar) and Oliver Sim (male vocals, bass guitar) add to this beginning that, rarely seen on enough albums, completely sets a tone.

Through-out the next 11 songs, the pace never really picks up, you never really want it to though. As tracks flow by with the liquidity of a stream, Croft and Sim sling lyrics back and forth with the softness and straight forwardness that makes one almost feel as though they're voyeur on the wall of two people very much in love. Not only are the lyrical deliveries that in tune, but combination of lead guitar and bass behind both of these members, adds a definite touch of chemistry that you just don't see very often. Sometimes, one could tune out the lyrics and have a sense of what the song is conveying just by listening to the dance of these two instruments through out this album.

This theme continues through-out the album. Reminiscent of Isobelle Campbell & Mark Lanagan's collaboration of soft-crooning, this album takes on much more of a personality and attitude. It's not often that not only does a band combine lyrical chemistry along with their instrumental match-up. This album plays as a definite must-have.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yea, of course. Blame it on hibernation. Blame it on a lackadaisical attitude to the freezer that was our winter.

Not to say that there hasn't been adventures, travel, and perhaps a new perspective or two on the way things operate along the way. Anyway, I've come to realize that this outlet does not have to always be about primarily pictures. There are so many other interests and possibilities to utilize. More of that idea later. Let's get back to the primary focus. Here, a touch of what's been happening since the last post.

Enjoy, more in a bit.