Tuesday, April 27, 2010

From the Archives

We all have them. Those photos that just didn't seem right. A touch over exposed, didn't like the set-up, wasn't happy with the lighting.. etc. One thing I've learned though is to always give a photo a second chance. Maybe you didn't like it in the beginning, but keep them in your archives. There may come a day when you get a chance to see that capture on a different light from a different perspective. Here just so happens to a be a few that I've done that very same thing. Mostly from 2009, the majority of these out-takes were taken on a Nikon D40, not sure on all of them. But regardless of camera, style, setting, I was able to go back over a year later and see these images in a completely different way from the first time I viewed. The rundown on these 9 run the gamut from weddings, road-trips, moments from everyday life, and so forth. More of a behind the scenes of the places and events I happen to have the opportunity to be a part of. Have a look:

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